love in all colors spanning across the sky dome planting seeds of hope
Love In All Colors
- Post author By leagoodeharris
- Post date
- Categories In Art Making, Poetry
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love in all colors spanning across the sky dome planting seeds of hope
Where the sun touches water… The sharp edge of light slices through the illusion. Caught between time, between words, I open to the vast space, the deep well of longing closes around me, falling even as I fly. I take wing and tumble into myself. Only silence bears witness to the vast unknown stretching beyond. This point, this place of remembering where I begin, yet again. First written on January 3, 2025 while in Rhode […]
two trolls sit waiting gazing towards the west sky tucked into the wild How I loved meeting… Erik Rock and Greta Granite. Erik Rock was easy to find, just off of the paved road… while Greta Granite was hidden down a winding path, ducking beneath woven tree branches festooned with her jewelry. What an incredible discovery, these amazing trolls, the creation of environmental artist and sculptor Thomas Dambo in the Ninigret Park of Rhode Island […]
Raven Calls I want you to know… that I am the night, deep and dark within the soft colors of your imagination… Through me… the endless night of possibilities shines like the stars of your childhood, the wonder that still sparks you, even now. I call to you… fly with me, discover your wings, lift your voice with us… speak, sing, dance, jump… into this vast unknown, trust your ability to touch this earth… with […]
The first day of Fall, here in Northern California, was close to 100 degrees F. I headed out to our beautiful Pacific Coast in search of a bit of cool air. I took along with me a bucket of shells, stones, crystals and bits that I’ve collected from around the world over the past thirty years. I was ready to let them go and this first day of Fall was the perfect time to do […]